A review by ofbooksandbone
Brave Enough by Kati Gardner



Dance is Cason's life; she eats, sleeps and breathes it. So naturally she ignores pain and pushes past it. It's part of what makes her great. Until it's what changes her life. Davis can relate to life altering circumstances. He beat cancer but his drug addiction almost beat him. Cason doesn't just walk into Davis' life, she barrels head first and at a time when they both need a friend the most. Can these two beat the odds and be just brave enough to overcome their personal and collective battles?

I generally, as a rule of thumb, steer away from anything where the "c word" is involved. Cancer is a pure evil that took my dad from me just after his 50th birthday. The wounds are still fresh, tearing away at me at unexpected moments. However, I felt ready to tackle Brave Enough. I mean, just take a look at that cover!
I took today to sit with my pain, unsure of the effect this book may have on me. Kati Gardner created a beautiful story of pain, unknowing and fear coupled with love, longing and bravery. While I didn't quite "connect" with the characters - the note the author left at the end of the book should be taken into account. "When I was a teenager and reading every book I could get my hands on, I was desperate for a girl that looked like me. For a girl who had cancer and lived. And it was really hard to come by. So, I wrote one." After reading that, I believe this book could indeed help the person who needs it most.

If you're looking for a book with inspiration to change your circumstance or in need of a bit of hope, pick up Brave Enough. It may be just the book to uplift you.

I received a copy of Brave Enough from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

Tags: books, fiction, book blog, book reveiw, book blogger, authors, book addict, bibliophile, book lover, romance, brave enough, Kati Gardner

Categories: Book Review