A review by magencorrie
Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout


My Thoughts

5 THOUSAND STARS!!! (Yes, you heard me right, 5 thousand stars)

WOW. I don't even know what to say, this book has literally left me speechless. I didn’t think JLA could throw my world for a loop by just reading a book. Well, my world is all loopy now. Origin was everything I was expecting, but yet, not what I was expecting at all. I thought I knew this alien world that she created, but in true JLA style, she blew my mind!

Origin has changed everything. I mean everything about this series and the Luxen world. This book was intense, emotional, and simply wonderful.

Now, I’m not going to give much away, but I have to talk about the characters. I always knew Katy was amazing and strong, I mean, she put up with Daemon when he was being an ass-hat. But Origin really tests her. She really showed me how wonderful of a character she is, and her strength was awe-inspiring. Her strength shines through so much, and I might just have a little girl-crush on her now. By far, Katy is one of the best heroines out there.

If you know me, you know that I LOVE DAEMON. Yes, even when he was his arrogant self in the first few books, I could tell he had a heart of gold under that bad-ass exterior. And, like Katy, he shines in Origin. I got to not only see, but experience his many sides. And boy, does he have some sides that’ll make your panties drop and your heart swoon! Daemon is strong, but I have come to realize he is strong in many ways, not just physical. He is still that loving cocky self, but he definitely showed us his deep romantic side, too. I am even more in love with Daemon Black!

There are so many characters I would love to talk about, but I don’t want to spoil anything for future readers, but I will say that every character is amazing in this book. I really saw a lot of growth, in not only Daemon and Katy, but in Dee, Dawson, Beth, Andrew, and Ash. Some characters really surprised me. Jennifer has created a world of unique and wonderful characters, good and bad alike. Even the newer characters will take you by surprise.

Even though the greatness of this series is the world that Jennifer created, to me, what holds it together is Katy and Daemon’s love. It has developed so much throughout the series and I think that makes this book absolute wonderful. Why? Because, to me, even though they are fictional, their love is so real. I can feel it seeping off the pages. They struggle, they fight, and they conquer the challenges that lay before them, together. I love that.

So many things go down in this book. Twist and turns I did not even see coming (though there were maybe two things I did figure out) this book took me by surprise and flipped my world upside down. Origin is filled with action, drama, intensity, emotion, and all that good stuff! And being that it is in both of Daemon and Katy’s POV, you really get the full scope of them, what they experience and go through. It was amazing! (I keep saying that word; amazing, but it is true). I can’t really express in words just how much this book shook my world, how, after putting it down, I could not stop thinking about it! And that ending! It’ll jerk the ground right out from under you!

Origin left me breathless and wanting the next book! Daemon and Katy will make you swoon. You’ll be on the edge of your set the whole time you are reading t (and you’ll probably read it in one sitting, I did). It was amazing, wonderful, incredible, and breathtaking in so many ways. I have SO many feels for this book!!

If you haven’t started this series yet, please, give it a try. Or if you haven’t gotten to Origin yet, you need to start it now!!