A review by micrummey
Feeding Time by Adam Biles


It tells you a lot when you have to read reviews on goodreads to understand what was going on in this novel, set in a care home.
All the characters seemed to merge into one voice and it was difficult to distinguish between those in care and their carers. There is one exception to this and that was the manager Cornish who has an unsavoury attraction towards a fifteen year old girl.
There are some smutty puns in the book, the title of the comic within the book 'Air Souls' being one of them.
For these puns to work you need to be a much more clever writer than Biles. I felt at times his narrative read like a stream of words pouring out from his pen (or PC) and not taking the time to edit at a later date.
For instance between Page 72 to 74 five sentences begin with Then, it was grating.
On editing I found it frustrating certain words were blocked out and I am trying to work out why especially at one point some pages only had four or five words to the page,
I found it very hard to find something positive about the book with the possible exception of the artwork of 'Air Souls', to sum this book up, a pile of bile.