A review by reader4evr
The Pregnancy Project by Gaby Rodriguez


A quick read that I think a lot of teens will like even if they were never pregnant. Not only does this book cover teen pregnancy but also bullying and stereotyping.

I liked the way that the book was set because I really liked how Gaby shared her family history because it really played into the whole aspect of her idea for her senior project. It was hard to read it when her family wasn't supportive when she was claiming that she was pregnant. I surprised because I believe Latin families are very supportive of each other and her family was super mean with the exception of her one sister. My heart went out to her mom and the struggles she went through.

I liked all of the statistics that she shared about teen pregnancy. This is such a hot topic now especially with the last season of Teen Mom airing.

Overall, a very interesting book.

Wise words to live by: "There are always going to be some people in life who disappoint you and don't believe in you like you hoped they would, and you have to find the strength to rise above it and realize that they're wrong. If there's no one else to tell it to you, then tell it to yourself".