A review by roxymaybe
This Is What It Sounds Like: What the Music You Love Says about You by Susan Rogers, Ogi Ogas


I cannot explain how disappointed I am in this book. I'm not a Music Guy, but I was hoping this book would turn me into one. Instead, it just cemented my opinion that Music Guys are fucking annoying. A "record pull" sounds like my version of socializing hell: a bunch of people sit around and show off their musical taste to each other. And that's what this book felt like. A record producer with a lot of knowledge on how the different parts of music work together to make a whole gives you examples of songs that exemplify those aspects. There was vanishingly little neuroscience and what was included was so shallow you may as well have said "the brain has a few different regions that analyze sound." I didn't get any navel-gazing satisfaction in seeing myself in even one single aspect of a "listener profile." If you're already a Music Guy go ahead and pick this book up, but for the love of god don't try to talk to the rest of us about it.