A review by theresidentbookworm
History Vs Women: The Defiant Lives That They Don't Want You to Know by Anita Sarkeesian, Ebony Adams


As someone who follows Feminist Frequency's work, I was excited to see Anita and Ebony had this book coming out. I preordered it immediately and knew I would enjoy it. I wasn't wrong.

History vs Women was my night book for about a week; it is not a book that will take up much of your time. The chapters are relatively short, each covering five women with each entry about two pages or more. The writing is informative while also maintain a critical feminist lens on the women covered and how we study women in history. The women selected were mostly new to me; each entry is well-researched and footnoted. I almost wish this book was longer because I wanted to know more, but maybe we will get a Volume Two. I would be here for that.

Overall, History vs Women is an interesting and informative read that highlights several women we should remember in history. If you're a feminist, a history nerd, or better yet both, History vs Women should be on your bookshelf.