A review by pixieauthoress
Plain Proposal by Beth Wiseman


I loved the first three books in the series, but the last two haven't been quite compelling. Perhaps it's the focus on younger characters, still in their teenage years? Although Miriam and Saul were talking about mature issues like getting married and starting careers, they dealt with them in very immature ways. Some parts of this book felt too simplistic--like Shelby settling into the Amish lifestyle so easily after just two months.

I did like the message about being able to find peace and a strong faith wherever you are, Amish or English, and I appreciated that they dealt with the issue of Saul's family in a realistic manner. I loved that Saul wanted to be a chef--it was so nice to see an Amish novel breaking down traditional gender constructs!

Honestly, this was a sweet romance with some interesting conflicts, but it didn't blow me away like some of Beth's other novels have. Saul was a well-developed character, but Miriam didn't seem to develop any interests (beside marrying Saul) until the very end of the book. I like a heroine with a bit more spunk who is interested in something besides the hero!