A review by _serena_
The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

Did not finish book. Stopped at 63%.
I wanted to like this soooo bad. Maybe I'll come back to it, because I really have heard great things about it. I just don't think I was in the mood for it right now. It was such a struggle and I really forced myself to get to this 60% mark. Honestly, I kind of put myself in a reading slump by pushing myself through this. 
From what I was able to absorb while I was trudging along, was kind of boring in all honesty. I did not like the journal entries - the story going back and forth between first person and third person didn't feel right. The beginning was dreadfully boring to me. I suppose it got a tiny bit more interesting around the 40% mark, but I was just so bored with it and done I couldn't keep going.