A review by angels_gp17
Angels' Flight by Nalini Singh


Loved this book full of novellas in the Guild Hunter world. Each story was a treat. Fans will love getting the fist glimpses into characters who have come to mean a lot and those who haven’t started the series get a taste of the world; before it became something altogether different.

Angels’ Pawn - 5 Stars

This one we get a closer look at Ashwini, Elena’s Guild Hunter colleague and Janvier. It’s a little moment in time with these two; before they get their full Novel [b:Archangel's Shadows|17409835|Archangel's Shadows (Guild Hunter, #7)|Nalini Singh|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1394162943s/17409835.jpg|24252401].

In Archangel’s Shadow they mentioned this moment this assignment briefly and it made me want to find out more on the backstory of Ash and Janvier’s relationship.

Ash is smart, tough, and can kick ass. She also has some “talent” or a curse, depending on who looks at it. Janvier is the ban in her existence. She’s hunted him in the past, but here he stands by her side for a Guild assignment. He has a talent for making friends with anybody.

Angels’ Pawn focuses on the action rather then the romance. The chemistry is their and we Sigh does a wonderful job giving us a taste of, Ash and Janvier's, budding teasing flirtatious relationship. As for the world it's terrifying and riveting.

I loved Angels’ Pawn.

Angels’ Judgement - 5 Stars

This one we get Sara Haziz story. She is a human-born Guild Hunter who later becomes the Guild Director for America. Before she becomes the Director she is sent on a mission and tested by the Archangel’s - The Cadre. But, she’s not alone. Yummy, Deacon is at her side. He’s their to offer protection and to help Sarah on her mission.

It's action-packed and gritty. I loved every moment of it. They are hunting one of their own, a Guild Hunter who may or may not have gone off the deep end. Sarah uses her mind along with her crossbow to her advantage. Deacon was a amazing. He does his job well, but he can also be light and funny. The chemistry was off the charts with these two and those love scenes, steamy.

Angels’ Judgement was a treat. It was wonderful to see Sarah and Deacon become lovers. This novella was perfect. Their is action, danger, blood, and romance.

Angels’ Dance - 5 Stars

If you have been reading the Guild Hunter series then you have caught glimpses of Galen and Jessamy, but in this novella, they shine.

I have been wanting their backstory for sometime. Galen is one of Raphael’s Seven. We get glimpses into him and what he does, but here we find out their is so much more to him. I loved Galen. He’s fierce, loyal, protective, and honorable. Jessamy is the teacher of angelic young, a library, and the keeper of angelic knowledge/archives. She’s fragile, strong willed, and has a strong heart.

Reading about these two was exquisite. They matched perfectly. The sexual tension was amazing. The writing is magnificent. The scenes are so vivd bring the characters and world to life.

Angels’ Dance was a beautiful crafted novella. I loved everything about this one.

Angels’ Wolf - 3.5 Stars

I read this in [b:Angels of Darkness|10557809|Angels of Darkness (Alphas, #0.5; Guild Hunter, #3.5; The Guardians, #7.5; Samaria)|Ilona Andrews|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327938643s/10557809.jpg|12785399].

I enjoyed this short story. I liked both Nimra the Angel and Noel the Vampire. Nimra needs help and Raphael sends Noel, but he thinks he’s been cast aside; because of what happened to him. Both of them needed healing in different ways and they come to find what they need in each other.

Angel’s Wolf is a sweet, sad, and enjoyable read.
