A review by cozymishap
The Shambling Guide to New York City by Mur Lafferty


Initially saw this in The Strand's staff Recommended Fiction section in NYC and then picked up the book at my local library.

There isn't really much that I can add to the reviews that have already been written. It wasn't terrible or anything, but it definitely could have been a lot better.

The main character is pretty great, but seems to focus constantly on the men in her life, which is grating a bit. The supporting characters seem incredibly two dimensional, not going beyond their physical quirks much. Also, I found that there were way too many moments of "You're a really unique woman!" "lol just doing my job!", which I feel could have been replaced with something a lot more substantial.

That said, it's a fun concept, a very light read that I managed to start and finish in a weekend, and was fairly enjoyable.

Also, hey, Jamie McKelvie art on the cover.