A review by devansbooklife
Bury Me by Tara Sivec


Let me say one thing before I get into the nitty-gritty of my review, I love Tara Sivec ' s work usually. This however, just wasn't my cup of mind-fuckery. It is most definitely a psychological thriller, but I couldn't love the ending. Beware, I will be giving spoilers here, read on only if you want my spoilers:

Warning, SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The original plan was to be the loved daughter. However, it didn't go as planned because she forgot the plan. A twin was a plot twist I figured out on my own. Some of the twists and turns were highly predictable. Others, not so much. I hated the ending because I really wanted her to overcome her darkness. I hated the evil inflicted on Nolan. Overall, the ending ruined it all for me. I guess because I want a semi- happily ever after. So this really wasn't my favorite read, and I usually devour Tara Sivec ' s work.