A review by sharondblk
La ragazza del treno d'oro by Ayelet Waldman

I can't give this a rating.

The book is divided into three sections, with three different timelines and different sets of characters. The first section is brilliant, I couldn't put it down. I loved the charachters, and the interesting focus - the aftermath of WWII and dispaced persons. The second section is fantastic. There is some fun, some history, and a bit of a love story. When I was a chapter away from finishing part two, I went away for the weekend and forgot my Kindle. I came back, picked it up, and started part three.
And it was like a different book. One with characters I didn't care about, whose story I had already been told in part two, told from the POV of a creepy psychoanalyst - who couldn't ahve know the things he was telling us. This POV made me so uninvolved in the story, I was relieved when i finally finished.
So strange. I will read more Ayelet Waldman, she writes very well, but that last third was a disppointment.