A review by cadiva
The Assassin's Dragon by Sam Burns, W.M. Fawkes


I need more stars!


Right, first things first. I am not ready to say goodbye to Tristram and Bet and all the rest of the cast of characters in the Fire and Valor Series, not by a long shot.

Things are wrapped up beautifully, all plot lines are given thoroughly satisfactory endings and I was only disappointed that I ran out of book!

I won't be revealing any spoilers but I just want to say that the major twist was one I didn't see coming for a long time until it all of a sudden pinged into view. A really clever idea and I loved how, once it was revealed, how all the hints and clues had been carefully laid down before that I could see with the benefit of hindsight.

Tris and Bet are solid, their relationship is firmly established and I loved how at first Bet was uncomfortable with the respect being shown when they were at Tristram's family home. There no-one knew of Bet the Assassin, the King's Shadow, he was just Tris' partner.

I've also really enjoyed the other two "main"relationships that have run paralleled to that of Tris and Bet. Here we see more of Sir Sidone and Rhiannon as well as the solidification of Maddox and Princess Gillian's love. We also get closure for Rhys and Tris' mother Elinor as well, which made me happy.

Dragonwise, yay! Lots of dragons, dragons becoming friends, dragons finding each other, dragons overcoming their hidebound arrogance and dragons realising working with the humans of Llangard is their only option for a long-term future.

Waverly and Sam individually are wonderful authors, but when they collaborate on high fantasy they take a lot of beating imho. This series has been a true delight for me.

#ARC kindly received from the authors in return for an honest and unbiased review