A review by katebrarian
The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard by Riley MacLeod, Tom Léger


This is a collection of stories by and about trans* and otherwise-non-gender-conforming individuals and it is AWESOME.
There are some gorgeous coming-of-age stories, great reflections on gender and society, some sad and heart-wrenching stories. There are some stories where being trans* or genderqueer are very central, and some where it's barely mentioned. But my favourite ones were the hilarious and weird and unexpected ones. Like the one about Captain Macho, the superhero, learning how to be a superheroine. Or the one about the girl attempting to win a wing-eating contest to get her ass out of Alabama. Or the one about the machine that transports people to a queer dimension, built from instructions in the necronomicon that require lesbian sex to reveal themselves...or the one about the demon hunter who lost most of her magic power when she started on estrogen. Yep. Brilliant.