A review by im211
Generation Manifestation by Steven Bereznai, Steven Bereznai


Thank you Edelweiss, the author [a:Steven Bereznai|62651|Steven Bereznai|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1605449326p2/62651.jpg] and Jambor Publishing for this review opportunity

This book gives me a mixed vibes of : [b:Divergent|13335037|Divergent (Divergent, #1)|Veronica Roth|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1618526890l/13335037._SY75_.jpg|13155899] (The world and its structure is similar) ,
Robocop (The books MC character arc reminded of this movie) ,
[b:Captain America: Winter Soldier, Volume 1|371997|Captain America Winter Soldier, Volume 1|Ed Brubaker|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1524855329l/371997._SY75_.jpg|361943] (when you reach that point in the book... You will know) and
[b:Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse Coloring Book: SpiderMan Coloring Book With 37 Exclusive Images|49684482|Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse Coloring Book SpiderMan Coloring Book With 37 Exclusive Images|Janet Wilson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1568085553l/49684482._SX50_SY75_.jpg|73192638] (Ah the MC and her friend are comic book fans and they deal with their problems through reading and constructing comics plus I can easily see this book as a graphic novel )


Generation Manifestation. ( Personally, I didn't find the title or cover appealing)
, Generation Manifestation takes place in a dystopian society where Jupitar city run by supegenic people are keeping the the normal people in line by enforcing kakotopian laws that majorly benefit them than the Dregs (the normal people). Yet, the dreg society Caitrin lives in rever them and forbids questioning or revolting of any kind. Hence, the mental manipulation via media whenever any out of place incident takes place, one of which put Caitrin in a den of lions and she has no choice but to go through with it . And it's not long before Caitrin wakes up and realizes that change is not optional but necessary and begins her fight.

What I liked :

There were some well done twists which I enjoyed unraveling along the way.
I liked how this utilitarian society was depicted through the training, rules and mental/ psychological manipulation.

Her relationship with Normand and Bradie

Normand's arc (It was one of the best things of the book)

Agent Samson, his transformation was unexpected and I did not see that coming.

The comic book pass time moments were the best, some days Normand and Caitrin would be reading by themselves and the other they construct their own. So wholesome and relatable.

Spoiler Moreover, the superhero comic books play a role in shaping Caitrin into what she becomes by the end of then book so it's. Kind of Cliché but still cool.

What I didn't :

I'd trouble figuring out the main conflict {maybe it was because I was hoping it won't be very generic) for at least 50% of the book and till then the story kind of dragged on.

Awkward description of characters. I felt it was weird to describe a 12yo "etched abs", I believe there are better ways to describe a strong child's physique than low key saying "ripped".

For the first half, the story was slow and a bit confusing since I'm trying to understand what she's really after but the second half was fast paced, full of action and mystery and at time I felt like too many things happened at once and we end the book without resolving some of the issues which will probably be part of book 2..

Caitrin interactions with her mom were messy and there clues hidden here and there but it was left to hang there while Caitrin began her life as a Protector.

What I would have liked more of:

More about Supergenic people & Jupiter city (maybe it will be discussed in the sequel)

Caitrin interactions with her mom were messy I hope we get the whole picture in the next book.

I really wish the book had included a comic strip of Shadowrens adventure (which the characters created), I believe, it would've been really enjoyable to read rather than reading it in a monlogue.

In a nutshell

Our MC believes being Manifested is they way to prove the world her worth, to get rid of her problems but alas things things don't go as she hoped...
Now, ingrained into the system that that has put her life and family in shambles, Caitlin struggles to not become just another marionette and instead finds it in herself to unveil the real culprits and upsurp the forced reality.

I'm glad this wasn't exactly a Divergent or Steelheart retelling and I really like the aspect where the characters depicted their fears and dreams into comics and I hope this continues because it was one of the things that made [b:Generation Manifestation|57137284|Generation Manifestation|Steven Bereznai|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1616251632l/57137284._SX50_.jpg|87572519] standout from other dystopian stories.