A review by shannanh
The Bounce Back by Addie Woolridge


Neale Delacroux comes from a family of artist, but when she puts on her performance for the arts academy she attends, it goes up in flames. She gets thrown out of the academy and is forced to find a job. At her new job, she meets Anthony. The two go back and forth between wanting to like each other or remaining just co workers.

This book is touted as a romance, but it truthfully read like a women's fiction with a small romance element. It focused more on the relationship with Neale and her sisters. It was still a good story and I did enjoy the relationship between Neale and her sisters. It's related to the book, the Checklist by the same author, but it doesn't need to be read first to understand this book.

I received a copy of the book and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.