A review by bookfever
What You Left Behind by Jessica Verdi


What You Left Behind is an excellent example of a well-written and very realistic young adult book in a guy's perspective. I definitely want to read more books like this.

This book revolves around Ryden. Six months ago his girlfriend, Meg, died giving birth to their daughter, Hope, because she refused another round of chemo therapy.

So obviously this book deals with some tough subjects. Usually I'm kinda on the fence about these type of books but I really liked this one. Most books featuring teen parents are in the girl's point of view but with What You Left Behind it was in the guy's. I loved that. It was so good.

Another thing I loved was how realistic it was. It really was like how I expected a seventeen year old single dad would think. Ryden struggled a lot and there was definitely no sugar coating the hard moments but I really liked it.

Ryden's mom was the best ever. She was so supportive through it all. She needs an award!

My only minor point was the romance between Ryden and Joni. It wasn't like I didn't like the girl but I just couldn't get on board with it. It felt almost like the story could've done without the romance between them and just let those two be friends. But it is what it is and I still thought it was a really good story.

My favorite thing, however, were the entries from Meg's journal that were about what Meg was thinking and feeling through it all when she was alive, that Ryden had found. I loved that.