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A review by mandi_m
Swallow the Air by Tara June Winch


Our 5 book club groups read this one for March. Everyone agreed that the writing was beautiful - lyric, poetic and evocative - but some felt there was too much of that. Some liked the vignettes as we saw little pieces of May's life, but some felt that it was disjointed. We had great conversations about language, May's journey and the book's listing on the HSC. I really enjoyed this and the insight into the impact of poverty and violence on a young woman. We don't get enough indigenous fiction, and this is one I think that is an important addition.

Scores (Average across all 49 participants was 7.5)

Friday 9am: 8/6/6/8/8/8/7.5/8/8/5/8
Friday 10:30am:7/7.5/7.5/10/10/7/6/8/8
Friday 12noon:8/8/7.5/5/8/8/8
Monday 6pm: 5/6/5.5/5/7/9/8/8/8/6/8
Monday 7:30pm: 3/8.5/6/5/7/6/6.5/8/8/6/8