A review by tone611
Something So Unscripted by Natasha Madison


Something So Unscripted was such a sweet and perfect read. The best read in my opinion, ever. It is filled with sass, fun, heart break...just every emotion you can possible feel. And of course, the hottest hockey players ever! You will cry, a few times, but I promise the last set of tears are happy!

You never think you life will get turned upside in a blink of an eye. Zack's little boy is sick, his wife is cheating on him, the best thing to do, is move across the country. Denise is one of the best doctors in the US. She is asked to take on Zack's case and help take care of Jack. Until, they fall in love with each other. And while that happens, you fall in love with them even more! The way Zack talks to and about Denise is to die for. The way Denise help takes care of Jack is going to make your heart melt.