A review by tashrow
Hide-and-Squeak by C.F. Payne, Heather Vogel Frederick


Daddy Mouse chases Mouse Baby around the garden and through the house trying to get him to head to bed. Mouse Baby hides in the kitchen, in the bathroom, and the living room with his father right behind. Until finally, Daddy manages to grab his tail just before he runs off to a new hiding place. The pace of the fast-moving book changes to a slow bedtime story as Mouse Baby is tucked into his matchbox bed. This is an adorable bedtime story with just enough running and romping to keep it lively and fun.

Frederick’s writing incorporates repetition and rhyme. Daddy Mouse has a rhyme he says again and again in the book, making this a great choice for small children:

Mouse baby, mouse baby,
where can you be?
I can’t see you.
Can you see me?
It’s time for bed. It’s time for sleep.
No more time for hide-and-squeak.

The tone of the entire book is playful with the added fun of a chase and hide and seek. Payne’s illustrations have a nice timeless feel to them that adds warmth to the book. They also have the added charm of coming from a mouse-high perspective that children will enjoy. The relationship of father and child is highlighted in both the illustrations and the text.

A great bedtime pick, this book just may become a favorite night time read for your family. Appropriate for ages 2-4.