A review by mersaddles
Stranger Things: Flight of Icarus by Caitlin Schneiderhan


★★ ★ ★ ★Characters
★★ ★☆☆ Character Development
☆☆☆☆☆ Spicy
★★★ ★☆ Ending
★★ ★☆☆ Writing

What Kept/Didn’t Keep Me Reading:
I absolutely became obsessed with Eddie in Stranger Things Netflix series. Reading his origin/prequal to Stranger Things story was insight into his life that just made his character even more heartbreaking to lose. The garage to greatness story, to being stuck in shithole Hawkins. His life really was defined by his name, no thanks to his father, but Eddie thankfully realizes he has more allies that truly care for him in the end, even if he is stuck.

What Would I Read Next from This Author:
Maybe not from this author, but I have at least two more Stranger Things novels to crack into.