A review by arealswellfellow
Why We Drive: Toward a Philosophy of the Open Road by Matthew B. Crawford

challenging informative reflective medium-paced


Imagine an avid chess player writing a book about video games replacing chess. Or more appropriately, an equestrian writing a book on cars replacing horses. That’s what this book is but with self driving cars.

The book comes across as a boomer doomer rant about cars. There is some interesting research early on, and there is an important underlying message about data privacy. But overall this book goes off on too many tangents, rants, and slippery slope fear mongering.

This guy is clearly passionate about cars, but he treats it like it’s a universal interest. It’s not. You can have your hobby, no one is taking it away from you. You don’t need to write a book about how cool you are when you are speeding in your modded car.