A review by stevendedalus
The Extreme Gone Mainstream: Commercialization and Far Right Youth Culture in Germany by Cynthia Miller-Idriss


An interesting but not especially penetrating view of the change in neo-Nazi symbolism in Germany. It's a depressing chronology of the rise of overt neo-Nazi symbolism and brands from more coded and incidental branding.

Miller-Idriss's catalogue of clothing symbology is devoid of the internet irony that has become so prevalent but shares much of the same content. Her interviews with young right-adjacent men aren't particularly confrontational but offer a bit of insight into how directionless people are seduced by the sense of belonging and purpose.

All of it has been gone round before, and the academic cachet adds a bit more quantitative data, but it's still a depressing read. Especially Miller-Idriss's conclusions that engagement, not banning, is the solution.

Somehow white supremacy keeps rising despite everything, becoming more and more overt.