A review by wulfwyn
Gridlocked Guesthouse by Mixi J. Applebottom


I've just finished and I'm not exactly certain how I feel about this book. I did keep reading wanting to see how it played out. It was interesting that the narrator wasn't introduced until late in the book.
The writing was a bit high school level but, having not read anything else by this author, I am thinking that may have something to do with the narrator. The story is pretty predictable but does have some twists to it. The characters aren't so developed but, once again, we are hearing this story this from the narrator. I believe that lack was purposely done so we only know what the narrator tells us.
I am thinking this is a 31/2 stars book. Since Goodreads doesn't have a way to give partial stars, and because I am interested enough that I may read book 2, I will round up to 4.
I would recommend this to those who can suspend reality when they read. If you are the type of reader who wants everything to fit logically and realistically you will, probably, not enjoy this book. But for those who can suspend that and just roll with the story, it is an enjoyable "haunted" story.