A review by bookmarklit
The Last Summer of the Garrett Girls by Jessica Spotswood


4.5 stars, most likely. I really loved this! Each sister was going through their own thing and trying to find themselves over the course of the summer, but it wasn't repetitive reading from each point of view. All girls were super different and growing. I was a liiiittle nervous I wouldn't be able to tell them apart, since there were 4 points of view, but it was so well-done. I can definitely see the early comparisons to Stars Hollow/Gilmore Girls; I loooove small town stories and this one actually had diversity haha. There were many ~topical~ references about current authors, shows, trends, etc. that I'm afraid will feel super outdated in a few years, but it made for a really fun and current read right now in 2018. I would absolutely read companion books about other characters in this town!! PLEASE?