A review by laurenjodi
A First Date with Death by Diana Orgain


A First Date with Death
3 Stars

The basic premise of the story, a cozy mystery set against the backdrop of a reality television show akin to The Bachelor, has potential. Unfortunately, there is too much focus on the heroine's romantic entanglements and not enough emphasis on the actual mystery.

While the murder is intriguing and it is fun tracking the suspects and the clues, the heroine is not much of a detective, and there is even one scene in which she screams upon seeing a dead body. Really?

As said, most of the book revolves around the staging and filming of the reality show. This would actually be fine if this were a contemporary romance. But it isn't, and as such these sections are tedious and irritating. Moreover, there is no actual chemistry between Georgia and any of the bachelor's including the one she ends up choosing. So, the book falls short in that regard as well.

On a final note, reading this book has clearly demonstrated that I am not missing out on anything by not having seen a single episode of The Bachelor.

The setting for the next book is a survival type show and as this is actually one Reality TV show that I have watched and enjoyed, I might give it a whirl.