A review by stonebm
Above by Leah Bobet


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This book contained many elements that I normally would not enjoy. I’m not a big urban fantasy fan (I mean, there are plenty of urban fantasy series I enjoy, but it’s not my go to genre). I generally don’t enjoy male narrators or narrators that speak less than perfect English. And I like to be able to relate to the characters through shared experiences. But somehow, this book managed to suck me in completely and sucker punch me in the end, making me see stars.

The narration style took some getting used to, but it quickly became one of my favourite elements of the story. Teller’s way of speaking opens a window into his head. Despite living a very different life from him, I felt I could understand him. Teller doesn’t always make the right choice, but he makes the human choice. The characters in this story aren’t perfect people: they are very real people.