A review by ristaylor
Guardian by Angela Knight


5 Reasons to pick this one up:
1. If you like paranormals.
2. If you’ve never read a paranormal and you’re wondering what all the fuss is about. (Ms. Knight is a good story teller no matter what the sub-genre.)
3. If you like books with elements of time travel.
4. If you enjoy reading a book that is part of a series.
5. If you enjoy strong dialogue coupled with action and an interesting mythology.

Quick synopsis:
In Guardian we meet Riane Arvid, a genetically engineered human and a Temporal Enforcer, in other words she’s a member of the time travel police. After her time travel suit fails due to sabotage she finds her self stranded in 2009. Enter Nick Wyatt from the 21st century. Orphaned at a young age, he has been fighting and protecting himself from the Xeran (the villains of this series, or as the cover blurb says “ murderous fanatics”) for most of his life. With both of their lives being threatened by the Xeran they must learn to trust each other if they are to survive. A time tested plot, and this one is done well.

Things I loved about this book:
1. I loved the unique way time travel is used to create tension and urgency. In the future time travel is part and parcel of daily life; and if you want to take the family on vacation to, oh let’s say, Regency England, well then book your ticket early. With time travel come the hazards of criminals going back in time for monetary gain, or evil doings. To prevent this, the Temporal Enforcers make time travel safe for everyone. They also make sure no one goes back in the past to screw up the present or the future. How cool is that? Imagine someone going back in time and making a killing at the stock market, ( a story line in the first book, Warrior) or even going back and meeting Bernie Madoff before he became the guru of Wall St. and making sure the only money he ever touched was the change he gave you after you ordered your Big Mac. Or meeting Picasso before he was “Picasso” and having your portrait painted. The possibilities are endless and they fueled my imagination beyond the reading of the book. Nice.

2. Which brings me to the second reason I loved this book - it fueled my imagination beyond the reading of the book. I love the thoughts Miss Knight’s world provoked. She sparked my imagination.

3. There is lots of well written and exciting action.

4. The dialogue is peppered with wit.

5. The characters have chemistry.

6. It was fun to read.

So if you’re looking for a paranormal, time travel, action packed romance, might I suggest Angela Knight’s Guardian?