A review by ali_runs_and_reads
The Last Guests by J.P. Pomare


 🎧 The Last Guests by JP Pomare

This one definitely gave me the creeps. It’s a thriller and starts with someone installing cameras in an Air BnB property to live stream guests without their knowledge. I love using Air BnB when we travel, but you bet I’m going to be looking very carefully at my next one to make sure there are no hidden cameras around!! This book is mostly about secrets. Lina and Caine are a married couple who decide to rent out their lake house on We Stay (the New Zealand version of Air BnB). Only they each have secrets that threaten to come out after things at their rental turn deadly. This one was pretty good. It kept me guessing until the end. 

PSA: Lina gets stalked in the story via her running app that shows where she is running. Make sure you have your start and end points hidden if you use Strava! It would be very easy for someone to figure out where you live if you keep that public.