A review by prophecyrose
Queen & Commander by Janine A. Southard


*I received this book as an e-arc from NetGalley.com in exchange for a honest review.*

I really enjoyed the first book in what should turn out to be a fun young adult sci-fi series. While I can't comment on the Welsh culture aspect of the book specifically, I did enjoy reading about a matriarchal society. It is a different was of looking at things that was at times odd to comprehend. However, that is why I think books with different cultures and societies are so important. They offer a way to see a society different from our own from a sympathetic perspective.

As far as story goes, the action in the book was slow at times. However, I'm excited to see where this series goes. I'm a little confused about specific aspects of the Hive like whether or not a Devotion as meta-physical consequences. It was hinted that a Queen "felt" her hive at one point, but I would like to see further exploration into what that means. I'm confident that will happen in further books.

Overall, Queen and Commander was a good, fast, sci-fi read.