A review by lunaseassecondaccount
Anything But Fine by Tobias Madden


This was adorable, and maybe it's because I just finished Les Mis and needed something very easy and gentle to read, but I enjoyed it a whole lot more than I imagined I would. In some ways, it's what I thought [b:Red, White & Royal Blue|41150487|Red, White & Royal Blue|Casey McQuiston|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1566742512l/41150487._SY75_.jpg|61657690] would be, but... better. And yeah, it's not nearly as long, and yes, the premise (aside from queer YA) is very different, but I genuinely enjoyed this... a lot.

The timing is also fun in that like Luca, I also suffered a debilitating injury that ended any future in dance as well as took my whole identity with it. I'm recovering from a major operation like Luca, too, and my journey with rehab and physio has had a lot of ups and downs. I'm only eight weeks out myself, and yeah, I'll probably run again (my big passion), but I'll never dance.

Luca's angst might seem selfish, but honestly, I think everyone gave him too much crap for it. Going through a life changing injury, as he did, and all the other shit that got flung at him, too (changing schools, losing his friends, losing all his independence, being completely alienated from everyone) means he's allowed to be fucking selfish. Hell, I'm twice his age and I've had to tell a number of people, as well, to lay off me because I'm recovering from a major operation. It's exhausting. So... relatable, Luca. You be an angry gay bean.