A review by hannahwoodson
The Girl In Times Square by Paullina Simons


Not good. The blurb on the cover says it's the perfect book because it's part romance, part family drama, part mystery but I fundamentally disagree. Because it is trying to be everything it is successful at nothing. There's way, way too many plotlines and stuff crammed into this book. Nazis, cancer, lottery winnings and so many other threads that are briefly touched on then forgotten about. This author needs a serious editor.

The mystery's not compelling, the romance is icky, the characters do not feel realistic at all and somehow after 500+ pages, the ending seems super rushed. I hated that the main character has this unhealthy, maybe even abusive relationship with a lot of her family members that is never challenged. (Also this is a relatively minor quibble but the professionals in this book keep breaking the boundaries of their professions. Plenty of HIPPA, privacy violations and detectives in sexual relationships with subjects of their investigations)

Would recommend skipping this one.