A review by rebecca_3
Inked in Vegas by K.M. Neuhold


This was a nice little bonus for ppl who wanna see more of their favourite couples. It’s not completely pointless since certain couples get married/engaged and you’ll probably wanna read this to find out how.

But this does have some spoilers for [b:Unraveled|44314785|Unraveled (Inked #1)|K.M. Neuhold|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1552150279l/44314785._SY75_.jpg|60098329]. So if your planning to read the spin-off series you should probably do that first. I was really looking forward to reading Liam’s story but I guess I’m going to have to put that on pause and read Unraveled next.

I really didn’t like the MF scene in this. I am asexual and mf scenes are really hard for me to handle. Sometimes I do read them though because I love historical romance and there is not a lot of mm historical out there. But it needs to be well done and have a lot of build up leading into it. But this didn’t. We hardly know Dani and we don’t know Jamie at all. It seemed very forced and I skimmed it. When I got to the end and realized there is a mmf bonus scene I just skipped it all together. It’s a bonus scene that happens before the events of this book and we know what happens after so it’s completely pointless and I really didn’t feel the need to read it.

I still really enjoyed seeing our guys again for the most part. And there’s a lot of straight up mm sex that you’re probably hoping for. As well as a fair share of mmm.