A review by abookishstar
Boys that Bite by Mari Mancusi


What I liked....I enjoyed that it was a simple, easy read, that quickly got your attention. It's a page turner and will leave readers wanting more by the end of the book. Mari Mancusi brings out the old vampire myths in a new way, that will definitely have you laughing. The humor kind of reminded me of the, Vampire Kisses Series by Ellen Schreiber. I also enjoyed that Sunny was a type of character who really resisted becoming a vampire, even if she was a bit closed-minded, which put a spin on most YA vampire genre books. Also the vampire was the type of character who wasn't like: "Don't become a vampire! Live your human life!!" Instead he was a bit self-centered and lonely and wanted Sunny to become a vampire. I would think, if I were a vampire, that after living a million-bajillion years that you be a bit self-centered and greedy. Are the characters relate able? To me, not really. But can you imagine them and understand them? Of course. The authors makes a simple plot into a 272 page book, that's interesting, fast paste, and you don't have to really think a lot while reading it. It's not complex, which is nice. So I definitely recommend this to anyone, even if you hate the vampire-genre.
What I didn't like..... I found the main protagonist, Sunny, thoughts to be really annoying at times. I don't like to label people/characters, but I found Sunny to be way to preppy. Also in the book the word: "vampire" was brought up like every page. I understand that she doesn't want to become a vampire, but do we really need to hear about it every second? Though these two things that I disliked are rather my complaints then stuff that would be wrong with the book. But also, it would make sense for the main character to be thinking about it a lot because if I were in this situation I'd probably do the same thing. But I just wished, the word: "vampire", was toned down a bit.
Also, at the end of the bok you get to see Rayne's POV. Basically she narrates the ending, and I found from her thoughts that she's identically like Sunny. Like I understand that they're twins, but for moments on end I felt like I was listening to Sunny not Rayne. Was that suppose to be that way? I don't know. When Rayne talks, she sounds different from Sunny.
In All... it was a great book that anyone would love to read and I definitely recommend the book. I didn't really find anything wrong with book, just one person complaints.