A review by hijinx_abound
Code of Honor by Smartypants Romance, April White


Anna fits so seamlessly with Shane. Yes I am aware that there is a different hero in this book but the way that this author writes female friendship is just this side of Penny’s own books.
I love awkward heroines who speak in non sequiturs and typically flummox most people. Those are not her people and they don’t deserve her.
Darius is so swoony. I love that she describes him as a Disney Prince. He is very together but this blast of sunshine that is Colette or is it Anna. (The narrator for Darius is delicious).
Anna so much fun. She is a parkour ninja with mad skills. She’s a bounty hunter. She doesn’t always have control of her tongue and her filter rarely works.
I am really loving this series inside Cipher systems. Getting glimpses of Dan. Quinn, Shane. & Gabriel was great.
I loved that this book did not gloss over issues. There was a fundamental problem that had to be worked through. It was reasonable and not blown up drama. I just loved the book all the way round.