A review by jfranco77
Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations by Ronen Bergman


This book is an incredibly detailed history of Israel's targeted assassination and strike programs, from 1947 all the way to the present. For anyone who would want to read this book, it's probably 5 stars. It's practically a textbook - and it's definitely that well sourced.

Bergman talked to hundreds of sources, none of whom were authorized to speak with him. There's a ton of detail about the various Israeli organizations (it's more than just Mossad) and the various permutations of Arab nations and states that wish Israel harm.

For me, the book was just a little dense and a real struggle to get through at times. But it was still interesting, and now I feel really well informed.

The book is largely apolitical. Bergman criticizes where necessary, and praises where appropriate. I'll leave one quote here that probably sums up his overall vision, which IS a little bit political and opinionated, but after 700 pages of history, I think he's justified in saying it:

Because of the phenomenal successes of Israel’s covert operations, at this stage in its history the majority of its leaders have elevated and sanctified the tactical method of combating terror and existential threats at the expense of the true vision, statesmanship, and genuine desire to reach a political solution that is necessary for peace to be attained.