A review by ameserole
The Dark Days Deceit by Alison Goodman


I'm not sure why I waited so long to jump into the Lady Helen series. I've owned them for a while but somehow forgot about them. But... if see the disaster of tornado books in my room you would probably realize why I haven't gotten to them. One month I was really into cleaning and reorganizing my books and now I just have piles of books randomly throughout the house. Maybe one day I will eventually get to doing what I originally planned.


So, while I'm ignoring my cleaning goals, it seemed like a good time to read some books. Especially when it came to this series. I feel like I was always seeing great reviews and how likable Helen was. I'm not going to lie - I got those vibes while reading this too. She was definitely a bad ass but got herself into some interesting situations.

Then there's the endless questions I had. Eventually answers came my way but it took a long time. As for the romance? Well, it was pretty good up to a point. Don't get me wrong, I still really enjoyed the characters but the romance in this one was just okay for me. I think everything else kind of saved it though.

In the end, this book had twists that I didn't predict and I'm kind of shocked right now.