A review by amybraunauthor
The Gray Wolf Throne by Cinda Williams Chima


This is no doubt my favourite book of the entire SEVEN REALMS series! The entire story has a much quicker pace and the situations the characters find themselves in are much more dire. The romances and personal dramas are all the more emotional, and the story isn't without its tragedies and tribulations.

The characters are stronger than ever. Raisa is still a wonderful and now very mature young woman who truly cares about her people. She's a great queen, but also vulnerable in her teenage years. Han also grew, but he drove me a little crazy with his attitude. Still, he's doing his best to live the life he wants and help his friends, and I'm excited to see more of him. I also can't get enough of the side characters, especially Dancer. His backstory continues to surprise and begs to be explored.

The increase of danger also hooked me deeper into the story and had me rooting for the character surrounding Raisa as she tried to regain her place in Fells. I can't wait until the next book begins!