A review by cctblog
Dusk's Darkest Shores by Carolyn Miller


Oh, my, this book! I was completely engaged practically from the first page. Dusk's Darkest Shores tells the story of 29-year-old Mary (who at that time was definitely considered an old maid) and her older brother's childhood friend Adam. Marriage has never been an option for Mary, but she is perfectly happy helping her father in his medical practice and visiting those in her community who need help. When Adam returns home from war wounded and ill, Mary becomes his companion, helping him learn to navigate his new normal. And for the first time, Mary begins to wonder if marriage might actually be possible for her.

I loved Mary and Adam's relationship! Their banter was so fun, and I loved that they built a friendship before anything else. Adam and Mary were both complex characters by themselves, and I loved following all of their relationships (not just the romance). There was a twist near the end that disappointed me (because that meant the book wasn't going the way I wanted it to), but I should've just trusted Miller, as she brought the story to a very satisfying conclusion!

I'm so glad that Miller is writing about older, "unmarriageable" women in this series, as that's sorely lacking in Christian romance, and especially in Regency romance. I can't wait to read the next book in the series!

Disclosure of material connection: I received this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review, and the opinions expressed are my own.