A review by calistareads
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Love Dares You by Rebekah Isaacs, Christos Gage, Nicholas Brendon, Joss Whedon, Megan Levens


The art work is not the same, but this was a fantastic volume in the Buffy verse I thought. All the gang is together, Spike and Buffy and trying out this dating thing again and a very big, very new big bad has been introduced. It's nothing earth shattering, but it's been some good storytelling.

The characters have shown a little bit of growth and nothing completely stupid happened in this one. I am enjoying this. I think they have finally gotten this right. Buffy even takes a walk inside Spike's mind, talk about trust and scariness. Would anyone really want their loved one to see everything in their head they have done or thought?? I don't know. I think that could be very difficult.

I'm in for some more.