A review by alxndrhncl
Deplorable Conversations with Cats and Other Distractions by Yeoh Jo-Ann


Lucky Lee, a man who seemingly has it all, has his life upended by the sudden death of his sister, Pearl Lee. He must now navigate life without her with Pearl's cat who begins to talk to Lucky, questioning his choices and even his sanity.

The book intricately delves into the theme of grief and portrays how Lucky tries to cope with the profound loss of his sister while simultaneously rediscovering himself. Amidst it all, Lucky tries to find solace in reconnecting with himself and finding meaning in his life beyond the shadow of his sister's legacy. Throughout the narrative, we see Lucky and Coconut form an unexpected bond that becomes instrumental in helping them cope with their grief.

I found it hard to fully connect with Lucky as a character. While his experiences were relatable, there were moments where his actions felt somewhat… stagnant? I was rooting for him throughout the story but the turning point that never came. Now, let’s talk about Coconut. I absolutely ADORED her. Coconut's straightforward and hilarious commentary on Lucky's shenanigans were amusing and entertaining. It served as a distraction from his pain.

Deplorable Conversations with Cats and Other Distractions teaches us how even the most unlikely of companions can provide comfort and companionship in times of need. Lucky needed Coconut, and Coconut needed Lucky. Perhaps, in each other's company, they had unknowingly saved one another.