A review by outcolder
Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches by Audre Lorde


True solidarity requires a lot of soul searching. It is easy to hold in your head a mantra like "we should unite" but in practice it is hard not to constantly get knocked around by our own anger, self-hatred, failure to recognize our own role as oppressors, and a bunch of other stuff I probably didn't get with only one hurried reading.

This book is dense and on every page there is at least one line that can shake the reader with its sudden clarity. It takes a poet to find words for the things we are not supposed to notice.

Before reading this, I had a lot of wrong ideas about what was going to be in this book. I have read about essays like "Uses of the Erotic: the Erotic as Power" and "The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House," but I had the wrong impression. Yes she is writing poetically about epistemology, no I don't think she is essentializing gender or race.

This book wasn't written for people who look like me but I am so glad I read it anyway.