A review by jennifermreads
Sweetly by Jackson Pearce


Jackson Pearce continues to awe me with her fairy-tall retellings. While Laini Taylor has a poetic elegance, Pearce gets the heart pounding and goose bumps rising in a way that is uniquely hers. Pearce has taken the basic tale of Hansel & Gretel and weaved a tale of complicated relationships and discovery of strength.

Given the story’s source tale, I kept anticipating Sophia the chocolatier’s fall from grace. Pearce delivered in a way that still shocked me; I didn’t think Sophia capable of being so weak and unwilling to see truth. For awhile I thought that Sophia would be the only “witch” and it was interesting having Sophia be only a weak human link to a blood-thirsty werewolf cult. This was also an unexpected link to Sisters Red! I’m eager to read Fathomless (a retelling of Little Mermaid) and am curious how Pearce may integrate werewolves in a tale set in the sea!