A review by merlin_reads
Zero Repeat Forever by G.S. Prendergast


 If someone would have told me that by the end of this book I would have been crying over an alien, I would have said 'y'all trippin'. But there I was, my eyes tearing over. Gabrielle Prendergast, hats off to you my dear.

This book follows the POV's of two individuals. First we have our human counterpart, Raven, who while at training to be a summer camp adviser, finds herself trying to survive an alien invasion with only a few other humans with her. Then we have Eighth, the alien, or Nahx as they're called here. Since he can't talk, his chapters are mostly internal dialogue and emotions.

The beginning of this book was slow. I actually started thinking that I wasn't going to like it. It wasn't that it was bad, it just wasn't grabbing my attention. I didn't have a sense of urgency to finish as I should in a survival book. Also, I had a really hard time connecting to Raven. I understood her anger - the Nahx killed her boyfriend, but there was something about her that was very standoffish and as a reader, it made it hard for me to feel for her. Then there were the chapters with Eighth, and at the beginning, I was a little confused. I didn't understand the things he was "talking" about in his chapters. I didn't get his mentality and the things he had to do to survive. It was very disjointed.

But then it all changed.

This isn't a spoiler as it's mentioned in the description, but the book really picks up when Raven and Eighth are thrown together. While I never really warmed up to Raven. Eighth came alive. And he also broke my heart. I felt for him and his confusion. He didn't know where he belonged, all he knew what that he had to save this girl and he didn't want to harm humans. So not only did he have to deal with a hostile Raven, he was also dealing with his internal struggle with his race. I loved it all. And he had me almost in tears toward the end.

Guys, there's no way this series can end happy and I fear for what's to come in book two. But I cannot wait to read it.