A review by smartie_chan
Royal Rescue by A. Alex Logan


3.5 / 5 Stars

There are long books that feel like half their length and than there are books that feel as if they are twice as long.
Royal Rescue is the second option. I've seen people complain about the pacing and I would agree, but then I see them complain about how things move too fast and I'm like: Lol, what? xD
Because no, they don't move to fast. In fact, the first half of the book felt like it was going on forever. And I can tell you why I felt that way.
The second half was way better and more interesting and if the first 200 pages had more of the things the second half of the book had, I'd be way happier with this read.

So here's what's going on:
Our Aro Ace MC Gerald doesn't want to marry and his parents are like "Yeah, no. That's not how we do things around here." So they do stuff to him that is all really interesting so far, no complaints yet. He showcases that he's not a passive MC and takes matters into his own hands, while befriending a dragon. They - as in Gerald and the dragon - do have a quest and a goal but, it's all very vage and unclear. Because the goal doesn't alline with Geralds's own personal goal.
We establish him as someone who doesn't wanna get married because he's aro ace. So what does he do to get that? Well ... Nothing. Instead he starts following another goal he picked up on the way, aka freeing inslaved animals, which is cool and all, but those two goals only connect somehow on paper (if you close both of your eyes that is). By following one plot line, he doesn't get any closer to solving the other. And the first half has a hard time connecting those two lines with each other.

Once we picked up Omar - amazing character by the way - by accident (or fate), we begin our quest that's not really filled with a lot of excitment, because there aren't really any pressing stakes or dangers. Yeah, it shows that our heros are powerfull, selfless and smart, but it also leads to a not so exciting journey of repeat.
We travel to location A, talk about our feeings and rescue inslaved animal A.
We travel to location B, talk about our feeings and rescue inslaved animal B.
We travel to location C, talk about our feeings and rescue inslaved animal C.
We travel to location D, talk about -

We do eventually realise that what we've been doing so far is kinda pointless - which yeah, I know, but well - and what we should have been doing instead is something else. But it takes a while to get there. Especially since I didn't even feel like we used the first half to explore and develop character. We do tackle Geralds fears, insecuretiess and asexuality. Which I ENJOYED a lot, but besides that? Not tht much happens. Not that much is learned. And not that much changes.
Until it does because we've added stakes to the story. Not just stakes for our animals or stakes for the society. But also, personal, emotional stakes and struggels for our main duo.

Which brings me to the next point: Characters & Relationships.
I'm very happy, that the book gave us both a bad and a good family bond of Geralds. I do understand why he's not really to fond of them and why he's not having the best relationship with them, but I'm also very happy, that someone in his family IS there for him. That person was also one of my fav characters: Erick.
The book features a lot of characters, so not all of them get to have a lot of spotlight, but the few we do concentrate on, grew on me. I'm also very happy, that dragon (no name or pronoun) is one of those main characters. I know the book doesn't want to give dragon a pronoun, but I'm having a real hard time with it. So allow me to use they/them for dragon.

There are a few other dragons in the book, and I feared that that would be an issue, but it was surprisingly easy to figure out which of those dragons was our main dragon. Could there have been more descriptions of how people look? Yes, please. Did I die from not having those descriptions? Well, no, since I was able to navigate my way through the story by reading context clues.

I was VERY happy how the book handeled the Zucchini relationship. As in, this book features a queer platonic bond and it's very beautiful. I think both parties were depicted very nicely, especially since one of them is not aro ace. Which is - by the way - no requirement for a QPR, as long as you talk about what works for each of you and what makes you happy.
The relationship between dragon and Gerald was also very nice and sweet and something I didn't expect to enjoy as much as I did.
(There was also one character in there, just a side character though, that I feel like might have been autistic??? There is no confirmation, but he gave me those vibes, which was very nice.)

The cast is very diverse in all things possible, be it gender, romantic and/or sexual orientation, skin colour or character. I do have to say, that I've always appreciated casual 'oh by the way' rep.

I'm ace and the fact that Gerald was too and - probably - sex-repulsed as well, was very nice to read. I think he was a great asexual character but also a great character in general.
I've read that people felt like he was self-centered and selfish and honeslty, I have to disagree.

Yeah, the ending WAS selfish, because all and every other aro aces that come after him will have to struggle the same way he did, but honestly, what else was he supposed to do?
Saying "Well look how selfish" is easy, but do tell, what other alternatives did he have? Take his dragon and burn all of the lands to ash? Don't think so.

I'm shocked to say this, but this is one of those few books, that I would have shortend. At least a little. The second half is perfect and doesn't need change. The first one could have done with one Royal Rescue less.

The pacing is this books biggest foe, but the rest was enjoyable. Which is why I'm happy to report, that I did end up liking this book.