A review by lizziehutchings
The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley


4.5 stars !

“It had been awful, but I hadn't quit. I had persisted. In battle I had won.”

Wow, this book was absolutely fantastic! I had pretty high expectations going in (thanks, Morgan), and this book ended up being so so good! At first, I had rated it four stars, then I was like: "What on earth am I going to say is wrong with this book?" and the answer is absolutely nothing.

Characters. I really thought the character development was fantastic in this book--on all fronts. Ada was just absolutely fantastic. Her story was so sad, but so strengthening, and we got to see her grow and change into a healthier and more confident human being over the course of the book. Susan was also a delightful character. I do wish we saw a tad bit more development from her, but I loved the emphasis of her eye-openeing experience. I kind of contrasted her character to Sam and Avery's Aunt Karen (from [b:The Boy Who Steals Houses|40170373|The Boy Who Steals Houses|C.G. Drews|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1548416923l/40170373._SY75_.jpg|62315086]), who took the kids in but was super static and she ended up still hating them when they left her, but I loved the growth and love that we saw from this character.

Plot. This aspect of the novel was also super strong. I could not put this book down. The plot was fast-paced and engaging, and there isn't much more to it than that--it was fantastic. BUT THAT ALMOST ENDING. I think I yelled at my book when that happened. Those who have read it know what I'm talking about...haha.

Writing. As this was a middle-grade book, I am going to ease-up on this category because it was written towards a younger audience. I thought the voice of the character was spot on, and the language used was really descriptive and overall, pretty great!

Have a wonderful evening