A review by lenemari
Begin Again by Mona Kasten


Fluffy, funny love story to escape reality:) I loved the academic setting, the friendships and their obsession with coffee and well known pop-music (like Taylor swift and Fall Out Boy). Surprisingly, the story was so fast paced and I flew through the story. It was cute and heartwarming… definitely.
But at some point, I just got so annoyed by the characters and their decisions. In my opinion, both of them were pretty self-centered. I could not stop thinking that the girl gave of “pick-me girl” vibes. And the boy… in my eyes he is a wandering red flag. I know, he was supposed to be a bad boy in the beginning and then loosen up as they got closer. But it irritated me that he was the one to choose what they were doing and that he got to control the situations. For instance, he (almost aggressively) insisted that she was going to tell him what was wrong when she didn’t feel well, although she didn’t felt ready to tell him yet. But when the situation turned around and she wanted him to speak up, he just ignored her and threw her out of her life. In my opinion, he did not respect her enough. It felt like he was only thinking about himself and his outcome, which made their relationship feel quite toxic.
Another thing that bugged me after some time was the fact that a lot of the plot was being “told” rather than “shown”. Which sadly do not live up to the “show don’t tell” literary devise.
Lastly, I feel bad writing it, but a lot of the drama felt unnecessary for the plot. At some point I just wanted to throw the book against the wall because the characters acted so over dramatic… I didn’t actually do it, though.
Okay, but overall I had a good time reading this book:) there were a lot of funny and relatable scenes. Probably I am going to continue reading the series