A review by michaelacp
Into the Wildbarrens by Christian Sterling


First of all, I would like to thank the author Christian Sterling for sending me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

We begin this book with Falin, a young wizard as he prepares to embark on his journey for The Gems of Elsana. These gems grant him his full power, and control over the elements. To accompany him on this quest he’s given six Champions, each from different places and backgrounds. Together they trek towards the Wildbarrens, a dangerous and horrible place, encountering many moments of joy as well as anguish.

I loved this book for several reasons. The characters are instantly memorable as well as relatable. Watching them become their own sort of family was one of my favourite aspects of this story. The banter was always spot-on and hilarious, and the more serious moments were incredibly touching and just made me that much more invested in the characters.

I also particularly enjoyed this book because there is seriously never a dull moment. Not once. Every time I picked this book up I knocked out a few chapters without even realizing it because it just never slows down! The ever-changing scenery just added to the effect, and made this fantasy novel stand out from others.

I can’t recommend this book enough! I’m already anxiously awaiting the sequel. It’s a pleasant, fun, and easy read that offers something new and exciting to the genre of fantasy.