A review by thinde
Project Daily Grind by Alexey Osadchuk


DNF 62%

I've found a consistent feel in modern Russian (maybe?) authors. It's like a depressing weight of belief that nothing an ordinary person does matters. Money is the only power and justice is a myth that should be sloughed-off with childhood. It saps your soul after a while.

On top of that, the world-building in this book makes little sense. How the game economy works is a mystery that seems to result in armies of people being paid to mine virtual granite for a salary in the real world. Even if it did make sense, I don't think mining is a good base for an exciting story.

I also didn't like Oleg's approach to conflict. He rarely even protested as powerful people shit on him from their elevated positions. He just took it, and then buckled down to work. That comes too close to a victim-mentality for me to want to read much of his story.