A review by jujubeans13
اعترافات خارجة عن الحياء by جونيشيرو تانيزاكي, Jun'ichirō Tanizaki

this shit fucked up fr. this whole thing is one nasty little mind game. again tanizaki has a foot fetish (a lot of fetishes actually) but thats not really relevant here. i don't think the plotline is particularly defined or strong, but it contributes to the sort of stream-of-consciousness journal entry style. finding out that
Spoiler everything was a calculated move this whole time and they were just writing shit down to fuck with each other
was kinda wild. i actually think this one kind of deviates from a lot tanizaki's usual themes, but ofc remains loyal to the primary one of sexuality and its dangers that he explores in most all of his writing. i think it goes to show how sexuality and physicality can be used as a weapon, and danger is bound to arise if it is insincere or disingenuous. not everyone gets their comeuppance in the end i suppose. also
Spoiler the daughter is a real one for taking one for the team and marrying a rando just so her mom can get railed
. heres to you tanizaki.